Published on September 18, 2006 By KISIRU In Blogging
1. Mildness(esp.of weather)
2.Mercy (esp when punishing someone)

The thing is,i have decided to practice clemency from now hence. God,or atleast Jesus(son of God ) taught that we should forgive 49* how many times? which if you ask me,to be truthful,considering human nature,is practically impossible. Do you know any individual who has forgiven any one person some (just) 49 times? show me that individual and i will marry them in a flash(if they will have me...) Myself am willing to forgive any one person a couple of times,its the forgeting part that is abit tricky. I find that i cannot forget-which ofcourse makes it harder to repeatedly forgive...
Being a christian, i realize how this will work against me when we go before the almighty on judgement day...But i have a theory and depending on how much time we are individually given to plead our case i hope to put that theory across to God in hope that i can convince him i am worthy of a harp and say two dove white wings-custom made....
The theory basically suggests that being human beings and made in the image of God,we are mere IMAGES and therefore imperfect. This would mean that though we work so hard throughout our lives our lives to live in a 'Godly" manner we(like any images) are doomed to remain imperfect.We cannot help having imperfections, cracks,stains or distortions(read sin)
How does that sound? Plausible? i sure hope so coz i get the feeling that if i cant sell this theory,He wont buy anything else and i will banished into the fiery pits of hell(AAAHHH.....!)
I think i better come up with a few more theories.For backup,you know,just incase?i wonder how much time we will have to plead our cases...

on Sep 18, 2006
I don't know if I should be the one to tell you this, but the Bible itself comes right out and says that yes, you will remain imperfect. God knows it, you know it, Jesus knows it. That's why Jesus came to Earth, to live the perfect life and sacrifice himself, to make up for our imperfections.