Is this bad?
Published on October 7, 2006 By KISIRU In Blogging
The thing is, i have this friend of mine,a girlfriend,and yesterday she said something to me that i was not able to react to because i wasnt sure which was the best or even the appropriate kind of reaction to give.
We have this mutual friend who is male and has several brothers,all younger than him.Now,usually girls positively swoon over him,well,lets call him Tim.Girls are always falling inlove with Tim. Tim has this brother,the last born brother actually who is like 20years old or something,thats really young in our books.Lets call him Kim.Now this girlfriend of mine,lets call her Alice,comes to me yesterday and tells me she has a thing for Kim and i do not know what to say to her.We have been friends for ages and i do not know what am supposed to say to her!
I took another good look at Kim and he is actually kinda cute and he has a hot body(read HOT!!!) and am thinking Tim will kill Me and Alice if he finds out-right?...or wrong?The boy is over 18years,he's a big boy(in every sense of the word) and Alice is a good late twenties full of life kind of girl,what would be wrong in them getting to know each other,huh? They might be soulmates for all we know,right?(somebody better be agreeing to this...)
So,i have formulated what to say to her,24hours late but am guessing its not too late.I'l tell her that i will support her in whatever decision she makes with this(unless Tim decides to kill us which case i might abandon ship...)Personally,if it was i in her shoes,i would take the plunge.But thats me...

on Oct 07, 2006
I have learned in my 40+ years of life to keep clear of peoples relationships, and to not advise people of matters of the heart in any way. I never bodes well for anybody. Let your freind make her own decisions.